Working internationally…

We’ve been seeing a number of briefs asking about shooting internationally. Clients and agencies are asking if it’s feasible, practical, achievable.

We thought it would be a good idea to lay out in a quick post some quick answers.

First up, the short answer is YES we can shoot internationally. The slightly longer answer is yes we can shoot internationally but it takes more planning than usual and you need to prepare to quarantine upon return.

Last year we shot all over the world, and most of the countries we worked in then, simply aren’t practical to travel to now. The USA is off limits, a lot of Asia and Europe too.

We have a great network of international partners who we work with to ensure everything from the locations to the sandwiches are all taken care of, and of the highest quality possible. Well, maybe not the sandwiches, but you get the idea…

So we need to use some imagination. We’ve been finding a lot of ‘places that look like other places’ and being careful to avoid local signifiers within the frame.

Working in this way we’ve made Andalucia look like Asia, and conversely made London look like Chicago - it can be done!

We travel with just core crew, and use local talent to extend the family out to hair and make-up, styling etc. Technology enables us to send wip as we go along, for approval, and also to bulk send stills and rushes at the end of each day back to clients in their home country.

We practise safe shoots, which means masks on, no handshakes, no hugs (NO HUGS!), and transport bubbles to and from set.

In short, we’ve been working internationally with and without clients on set, still delivering the highest quality work.

Give us a call if you want to know more.


New film from Jon Enoch on the way…


Jon Enoch for Tag Heuer