Matthew Joseph new film - TruthTellers

Our amazing lifestyle photographer Matthew Joseph swapped stills for motion, making this fantastic new film, TruthTellers.

Matthew writes -

The talented @nicolapikewrites was commissioned to write a piece for @christiansinmedia and she then came to me to see how we could take it further. This is the result.

It’s a piece speaking to those who have influence realising their position and potential to have impact. It warns against being swayed by life’s distractions and making the most of where you are at.

Nicola and myself co-wrote the narrative and then I turned into producer, location scout, director and editor to bring it home with a wonderful team of amazing people who worked their socks off to make sure we could capture all footage in a single 11 hour period.

This challenged me for sure, not the usual budgets, logistics, pre-prod, crew, catering (ha!) which meant It turned from a commission into a personal project. But with that came a freshness of creative problem solving and being granted the freedom to think on our feet - totally trusted by the client to deliver what we wanted the whole way. Sure story boards and pre-prod meetings are great, but being forced to adopt more guerrilla tactics is definitely refreshing.

Staring: @ketorahwilliams

Spoken word: @nicolapikewrites

Director: @matthewjosephphoto

DOP: @adamprosserdop

1st AC / FP: @oscarharrisoncolour

PA: @alessandramerlophotos

Grade: @adamclarkecolour

Sound design: @patricklee.sound

Edit: @matthewjosephphoto

Client: @christiansinmedia


The September Issue


Jon Enoch for TeamGB and ASOS